
Review by Jillian Blackwell, DARIA, September 17, 2021

"If your pandemic life is missing a bit of adventure, pack yourself some sunscreen, a water bottle, and maybe some snacks, and embark on Lakewood’s sculpture scavenger hunt... LandMark holds much to discover." (read more)

This Art Exhibit is Transforming Lakewood and Arvada

by Casey Van Divier, 303 Magazine, May 2021

"With the height of the pandemic behind us, creatives can now roll out the innovative ideas they came up with during all those months of cancellations and quarantine. Locally, LandMark is the widest-reaching of those ideas so far — having become the area’s only running exhibit that spans more than a dozen miles." (read more)

A COVID-19-Inspired Art Installation Takes Root in Arvada and Lakewood Parks

by Spencer Campbell, 5280 Magazine, April 2021

"Nature, it turns out, actually adores a vacuum. So, early in the pandemic, when stay-at-home orders forced Coloradans to retreat inside, flora and fauna filled the city streets. Birdsong grew more distinct...." (read more)

In Exploration of LandMark

Bravo Magazine, Winter/Spring 2021

"In March 2020, as the pandemic forced its way into our lives and communities, we slowed the human pace of things. We drove less and walked, hiked and biked more. Many of us connected intimately with our parks, land and environment as we found refuge in the natural world we collectively call home..." (read more)

303 Magazine: Artists to Watch in 2021

by Casey Van Divier, December, 2020

"These two scientist-turned-artists have spent the past several years building their careers and now, Kalliopi Monoyios and Anna Kaye are joining together to oversee a large-scale project in 2021. The project, LandMark, will be an outdoor environmental art exhibit in public spaces in both Lakewood and Arvada..."

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